All Commercial Energy Solutions

What We Can Do

Mission Statement

Our mission is to help businesses not only save money on electricity expenses but
to also help them reduce their running costs, generate less emissions, lower their
carbon footprint and take a proactive step to a green more sustainable future.

With a combined 25 years’ experience in the solar industry, more than 30 years in the electricity industry and continual training in both fields, we know these industries inside and out. Our experience is not only in solar but in construction, industrial, instrumentation, marine, mining, telecommunications, optic fibre and plant maintenance.

Our experienced team of qualify and accredited electricians
receive regular up-to-date training on all the ongoing
changes in the renewable energy industry and the range of
products available. We offer a 10-year workmanship warranty
and also give our customers full product training at the end of each job.

Solar panels can be an excellent choice for people living in Cairns, as the area has high levels of sunshine and solar radiation, making it ideal for generating electricity from solar panels. Our dedicated team in Cairns are trusted by many customer and clients throughout the Far North Queensland area to deliver a quality product and service.